Saturday, 11 January 2014

Travel packing lists

I'm busy preparing for a long trip, for two adults and two small children, involving long-haul flights, time staying with friends and family, and a long road trip with tenting accommodation in camp grounds. It is occupying about 98% of my brain processing power at the moment (not least because it's cold here, and I am LONGING for some sunshine!).

I have been trying to consolidate a really good packing list. One that will be an efficient basis for many trips in the future, be they long or short haul, involving plains, trains or automobiles, and staying in homes, hotels or tents. Yes, this has taken me many more hours than is reasonable, and my husband has been making references to "one pair socks, cotton, golf pattern, blue". (See the Big Bang Theory episode where Sheldon is putting RFID tags on his socks.)

But I now have a starting point! This is an conglomeration of my own old packing lists, the list that came with the iPhone/iPad app called "Packing Pro" and some lists I found in various places on the internet. I'd love to give credit to all my other sources, but unfortunately I didn't think that far ahead and I didn't  note down where I looked. I hope there's enough of me in this that no-one feels I have stretched the limits of plagiarism.

So here it is: my basic packing list. I would never take all of this on any one trip, and I'm sure to find some other things to pack that aren't here. But hopefully with this in my iPad, I can now start to feel that I have some sort of overview of what we have to fit in our cases for this trip.

There are two files here. One is a .xlsx, to be opened in Microsoft Excel or similar. One is .csv, and this will also work in Excel etc, but is provided here more for anyone who wants to import it directly into Packing Pro.

I'll try to write up some of my travel tips relating to this list in another post.

The Excel version of my packing list is here.

The Comma separated version of my packing list is here.

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