Sunday, 22 April 2012

Pinafore or crossover apron

I saw this image on Pinterest. Can anyone help me with either a) where this image comes from, or b) where I can find a pattern for a similar adult crossover back apron?

Hmmm. Answered part of my own question: the image is from here: Pip-Squeak Chapeau etc. And a possible pattern here: Simplicity Pattern 5201 or here: Scalloped Apron Pattern from Candle on the Hill.

But with everything out here on the net, still think there must be a free pattern on a blog somewhere! I love this: Smashed Peas and Carrots' Little Girl's Crossover Pinafore, but I don't think that's going to fit me!


  1. I just used the free pattern on Smashed Peas and Carrots to make a pinafore for my 9 month old daughter. I love it! And now I want one in my size! I also like the one in the pic you posted.

  2. I too was wanting the same thing after seeing the same picture on Pinterest - after typing in particulars to google and heading to about page 3 I found this site.... make your own pattern... just the same really

    then mix it up a bit with lovely contrasting linens as above... hope this helps :o)

  3. I've been searching for a pattern as well. I came across this tonight. haven't checked it out completely yet, but thought I would share in case its what you're looking for.

    1. Thank you so much, that link looks great!

    2. The Japanese Sewing pattern is easy to make and very similar to your picture. I made it and it is about a size XS/SM for an adult.

  4. I think Simplicity has one under the name of Daisy Kingdom for adults that is a cross over pinafore . Yes, it's simplicity Daisy Kingdom 7481 and it is out of print, but you might be able to google it and find someone willing to sell their old one.

  5. I pinned that image too! And have not diverted that pin to come to your post here.. hopefully we can gather the best pinafore/apron resources here! :)

  6. Okay... I'm going to draft one up and give it a shot... will come back here if I'm successful! ;)

  7. How about Rough Linen?

  8. If you are still interested the "Simplicity"pattern can be found at any fabric store. Pattern #5201

    1. Hi! Does anyone have any idea as to how the "lining" may have been sewn in?

  9. I went to Joanne's fabric, and the lady that work there told me I had to order the pattern from Simplicity online for it was out of date. for I too have been looking for this pattern.:)
